Saturday, January 2, 2010


Or aught ten as I like to call it.
Well, a new year has rolled around and things have changed, but mostly they have stayed the same.
New things:
1. I get to do my student teaching in less than two weeks! I'm uber uber excited about this. I have so many great ideas. I hope I have literature this semester. I have some great ideas and anticipatory sets.
2. Still single. Ahh well.
3. ummmmmmmmmmm
Yea, like I said, things are mostly the same, though a few are different.
I can't concentrate or I would have actually written a rather long blog but my eye feels like its about to explode so I think I will retire.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Bronchitis. It has me.

Everyone should have bronchitis and be on a 500 mg antibiotic while at work. It helps get the juices flowing (literary wise that is). I'm not sure if its wise to drive when I feel like I'm floating about 5ft above my head, but eh, who knows, hum?

Nanowrimo is upon us, I have survived my first two exams, I am well on the way of finishing half of one of my projects, and I'm in the middle of reading some really awesome books.
The lack of money doesn't even seem that bad. Heh.

This year I have decided that I will hit the 50000 word count. I have an awesome sl and awesome characters.

I would right more but I can't think and what I wanted to say. So.. laters

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Copy cat

Well, since Trish decided to make a schedule of things she has to do, I think I'll follow suite. That and I'm bored here at work, so what better to do than to make a list of things to do while at work? Awesome. So lets start, shall we?
Keep in mind these are just things that I know for SURE that I have to do.

Oct 12: Test in Edcuation of the Exceptional
Oct 13: Test in Tests and Measurements
Oct 16: 6 hours of observations for Test and Measurments
Oct 17: Family Reunion thingy
Oct 24 and 25: Ren Faire! Yay!
Oct 31: Halloween! And staying over at the Trish's. Yay!
November is for Nanowrimo
December: Christmas stuffs
January: Student teaching! (If God's willing and things work out)

I know it doesn't look like a lot, but ehhhh I figure I'll find things to add to it. Lol I have no idea when any of my assignments are due in November and December. But I do know that I will be doing a heck of a lot of work.

And, I swear, this year, come hell or high water, I'm going to hit the 50k mark for Nano. I will. I shall. I have to.

Not to mention the fifty billion challenges on the guild that I've fallen behind on. Hehe.

So yea. Just a little random blog of boredness and copycatness since Trish made her schedule of events and stuff to do earlier.

Oh! And follow me on Twitter! Blitztheblunder is the name! Its wonderfully random.

Anyway, everyone have a lovely Thursday! Huzzah!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

An Update of Sorts

Well, other than there being nothing really new... there's nothing really new.
Well, there is. But it's not... anything earth shattering. A problem that I need to deal with myself and don't want to waste the time or energy to write about it here on this blog.
Meh. I think I'll whine about my inablilty to write. That's always a safe topic.
My muse has abandoned me. Again. Damn muse.
Seriously, I sit down, think I have a good idea, start to write then poof! It's gone back out into the void that is my brain.
It's like I've lost the will to write. And it scares me.
Nothing's good enough, for me.
My ideas have too many holes in them.
Everything I think of has been done before, or I've done it before and its just a twist or a re-telling of something I've already written.
I need help. A swift kick in the butt. Something.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Well, I know its been a while. I figured it might be good to see what's going on in the big world of blogging. Hah, for me, nothing.
I'm sitting here at work, bored. I've done half of my homework, I've txted people, I've straightened up some shelves and still the boredom remains.
But I'm glad to be back, that's for sure. I hated being at home with nothing to do. I mean, you can only clean and rearrange your room so many times without your mother getting annoyed, right?
I've missed school, that's for sure.
So, what else is there to talk about?
This should be my last semester here at UNA. I should be doing my student teaching next semester, the only thing that is standing in my way is World Literature. Or, as I dubbed the class last semester when I took it "Whatever random country Dr. A wants to pick and force us to read about until we're sick, tired, and could care less about."
Last semester it was Cuba. Yay.
See, I had to retake a few of my classes from last semester due to some... bad grades (4 ds to make up and an f that was due to general laziness and a lack of caring for my teacher). Anyway, I've remided one of the Ds and replaced it with a beeeautiful B from over the summer, and I'll have a better chance at clearing up that F and other two Ds this semester.
The only problem will be that one World Literature. The problem? Its only offered during like... even numbered spring semesters that are divisible by two if you do a chicken sacrafice to the dark god Bala on a Monday night when kids are playing football with a turnip.
Okay... so its not that bad. But if feels like it! One freaking class could cause me to stay an extra year. Its bullshit I say.
I've read books from China, Japan, India, Nepal, Italy, England... I have a rather large and expanded collection of fiction books from all around the world (some classics, some not so much) I have an idea, even, for a paper I could write to show that I have studied and read books from more than just American and England.
So what's a girl to do?
Hopefully I will be able to find class online that I can sub for this particular English, or I can do an independant study while doing my student teaching. I'm waiting for the chaos to settle down before I go and talk to my advisors.
I tell you, I'm sick and damned tired of UNA's damn rules, regulations, and their tendency to change it whenever they want to. *sigh* I want to work! I want to teach young ones!
But I can't do that until... THEY DECIDE TO LET ME GOOOOO!!! I CALL FFREEDOMMMMMM!!!!.
Hum, other than that little issue, and the lack of money (that will soon be eliviated somewhat I hope with my returning to work and getting my money from Pell)things are going well.
I'm writing again (albeit its going slowly) and I'm feeling confident.
I suppose thats enough for now. I have a couple of things I want to write up to put on Associated Content, and am enjoying some awesome books. So now I go and read about John Smith (the bastard! I hate him!) and chill out.

Friday, July 31, 2009

And from my phone yay

New Toys

Okay, so Ms Lazy pants here has found a new toy to play with. Kimmi can now post blogs without even logging onto blogger! lol its a gadget you can get for the google tool bar thingy that is where you can post directly to blogger! Which is awesome cause sometimes I don't want to go through all the hassle to go to blogger, or I forget and ya know... never blog. Now that its right here on the desk top I will be able to post whenever i wanna! Yay!
So I'm just seeing how this works. Testing!